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San Diego Community Power Fails to Support Community Benefits and Accountability

After months of promising the community that San Diego Community Power would prioritize strong workforce standards, clean energy, equity, and public transparency, a majority of the Board spoke against policy measures that would hold them accountable to these priorities.

We would like to thank Board Vice Chair Steve Padilla of Chula Vista and Board Member Mark West of Imperial Beach for their progressive leadership in pushing for San Diego Community Power to be held accountable to the promises it has made to the public.

Unfortunately, for community members who have embraced the ideals of a local clean energy provider that will deliver community benefits, this failure to act means that the public has little to no recourse in holding the agency accountable to community values. Consequently, it leaves the door open to nuclear and fossil fuel energy, lacks data and accountability in defining environmental justice communities that need the health benefits of clean energy the most, leaves workers behind with unenforceable labor provisions, and provides zero recognition of safeguards needed for workers facing a transitioning energy landscape.

Without a course correction, it is unclear how the public will be able to hold this agency accountable so that it delivers on the many promises of local projects, 100% renewable energy, social equity and good, middle-class clean energy jobs.