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IBEW 569 Appointed to California Employment Training Panel

Toni Atkins, Speaker of the Assembly, has appointed Gretchen Newsom, IBEW 569’s Political Director, to the California Employment Training Panel.

The ETP is a labor and business-supported state agency that funds vocational training, and has contributed more than $1 Billion toward training workers in over 80,000 businesses since 1982.

Regarding her appointment, Gretchen Newsom said,

“I will seek to uphold ETP’s mission of connecting quality training to good paying, long-term jobs, while also advocating for the interests of workers, businesses, and taxpayers.


In my current work with IBEW 569 and Building Trades, I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact of apprenticeship programs. These programs allow participants to ‘earn while they learn’ and strengthen businesses by providing a highly-skilled, well trained workforce. I will also seek to continue my work in supporting the growth of the green economy and investments in quality training aligned with good-paying, green jobs.”

(Photo by Jeremy Thompson)