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IBEW Local 569 Election Victories

Thanks to all of the hardworking members who logged countless volunteer hours supporting our endorsed candidates, IBEW Local 569 was able to claim several victories this election season. Here is a snapshot view of some key races:

*Jerry Brown handily won his race for Governor defeating Meg Whitman. Brown is a long-time supporter of working people and has committed to creating 500,000 clean energy jobs and supports a modern high-speed rail system for the state.

*Senator Boxer, a key champion of labor and environmental values, will return to the Senate.

*Congressman Bob Filner, a great friend to IBEW Local 569, and Congresswoman Susan Davis will be returning to Congress to continue fighting on our behalf.

*Gavin Newsome, an up-and-coming leader in the Democratic party, is our new Lieutenant Governor.

*We protected California’s growing green economy and clean air laws by defeating Prop 23, the dirty energy measure put on the ballot by Texas oil companies.

*Kevin Beiser and Scott Barnett were both elected to San Diego Unified School Board, successfully replacing one of the incumbents that voted against our Prop S Project Labor Agreement.

*John Renison and Raymond Castillo were both elected to the Imperial County Board of Supervisors, replacing two incumbents who rejected our Green Jobs program last fall. These new allies will give us new opportunities in Imperial County where there are thousands of megawatts of renewable energy jobs at stake.