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Fix Energy Procurement Flaws in Mayor Faulconer’s Weak and Deficient Community Choice Energy Proposal

Sierra Club and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 569 Urge City of San Diego Committee on the Environment to Fix Energy Procurement Flaws in Mayor Faulconer’s Weak and Deficient Community Choice Energy Proposal


Today, for the first time, the City of San Diego Committee on the Environment is being presented with Mayor Faulconer’s draft Community Choice Energy Joint Powers Authority (JPA) agreement. Unfortunately, there are significant gaps and concerns with this flawed proposal that need addressing.


It leaves the door open to fossil fuels through renewable energy credits and nuclear energy, the labor and workforce language is weak and confusing, and the community engagement and transparency provisions are vague and lack accountability.


The Mayor’s proposal does not even deliver on basic points of principle outlined by the Council earlier this year which called to exclude nuclear and unbundled renewable energy credits.


The Environment Committee is being asked to sign off on a long-term proposal that will define our region’s energy future for decades to come and is being told there is no time for critical and necessary changes to benefit the community and align with Council priorities.


There is still time to improve this weak and deficient proposal. We need to get this right.


We urge elected leaders serving on the City of San Diego Committee on the Environment to amend the JPA document today to address these problematic procurement issues, ensure this proposed CCE program is actually delivering renewable energy and we are tapping into clean resources like solar, wind and geothermal here in our region to create local jobs.


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