Join IBEW 569: Call (858) 569-8900


Current Member

Election VICTORY

The Gubernatorial Primary Election resulted in many exciting and hard fought wins for IBEW 569 and the affiliated unions of the San Diego Building Trades Council and the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council!

Some of our wins include:

 Nathan Fletcher for San Diego County Supervisor 2018  

 John Renison for Imperial County Supervisor
 NO on B – Citizens For Real Term Limits in National City
 Mike Levin for Congress 
 Councilmember Tasha Boerner Horvath, Candidate for Assembly District 76
 Ammar Campa for Congress
 Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College victory x 3  
 James Hank and Norma Galindo for Imperial Irrigation District 

Plus, voters passed Prop 68, a bond measure that will provide $200 million for Salton Sea and help our families in Imperial County.  Click here to read more.

Thank you to all of our IBEW 569 Members for your tremendous volunteer hours, the miles walked, and the phone calls banked – you did great work for our champions and initiatives in support of working families!

Our endorsed candidates strongly support working families, local hire policies, job creation, and real investments in our communities. We are proud of our outstanding election victories.