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IBEW Action Alert: Support Rail Workers

IBEW ACTION ALERT! Add your name now to ensure railroad workers are provided paid sick leave:…/write-your-members-of…
IBEW members employed in the railroad sector, like those in all of the other unions negotiating with the freight railroad carriers, have been met with an abject refusal to bargain for sick time.
The Senate passed H. J. Res. 100 on December 1, 2022, to adopt the negotiated tentative agreement on the unions that were unable to ratify. However, H. Con. Res. 119, which sought to provide railroad workers with seven (7) days of paid sick leave, did not pass. Despite IBEW members failing to achieve seven (7) sick days in the most recently passed bill, we are still continuing to work on this issue.
The IBEW encourages you to join our Letter Campaign!
Enter your mailing address, which will populate a sample letter to both of their U.S. Senators and their U.S. Representative. There are three versions of the sample letter: 1) thanking them for supporting paid sick leave if they voted in favor of H Con. Res. 119, 2) encouraging them to reconsider paid sick leave for railroad workers if they voted against H Con. Res. 119, or 3) educating them on IBEW’s stance on paid sick leave for railroad workers if they’re new Members of Congress.