Join the United Sparkies of IBEW 569 to show support for our LGBTQ members and allies and walk in the 2019 Pride Parade alongside our community partners. Bring your family and friends, and come join thousands of others to help build mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBTQ Community to further social and economic justice! #Allies #PrideAtWork! #1u #PRIDE #solidarity #Pride2019
WHAT: Walk with the United Sparkies of IBEW 569 in the 2019 Pride Parade
WHEN: Saturday, July 13th, meet up at 10:00am to get ready, take photos, and then start marching at 11:00am!
WHERE: Meet at the Hillcrest DMV (3960 Normal Street, San Diego, 92103); look for the Green Staging Area.
ATTIRE: Wear your blue IBEW 569 shirts (we’ll supply one if you don’t have one)
TRANSPORTATION: Parking will be an issue – we encourage you to take public transit or carpool; There is FREE parking at the Old Naval Hospital on Park Boulevard and President’s Way. Free shuttle service will be available from the Old Naval Hospital to the parade site. The free shuttle will drop people at the corner of Essex Street and Richmond Street, one block south of University. Shuttle service will also be provided between Hillcrest and the festival site during and after the parade. The shuttle drop-off at the festival is on 6th Avenue between Juniper and Laurel Street. Shuttle Run Times: Old Navy Hospital to Parade 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Parade to Music Festival 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
2019 THEME: Stonewall 50 – Legacy of Liberation
ROUTE LENGTH: 1.5 miles
COST: This is a free, community event
CONTACT: Jennifer Wilson, Business Agent, IBEW Local 569 by texting 619-832-9757 or emailing