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IBEW 569 Endorsements for November 8th Election!

Dear IBEW 569 Sisters and Brothers,

Here are our 2016 Voting Guides and endorsement lists for the November 8th Presidential Election:

IBEW 569 Endorsements for SAN DIEGO County

IBEW 569 Endorsements for IMPERIAL County

We arrived at these endorsements through a rigorous and democratic process whereby IBEW 569 joined other unions of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council and our Building Trades Council to interview and research candidates for the Election and to find out where they stood on issues that are important to our union, our communities, and to middle-class families.

Our union endorsed these candidates and initiatives, and we need you to vote for them by mail or on Tuesday, November 8th! Many of our local races will be decided by just a few votes – and we need you to cast your vote because we don’t want another occurrence of the last election cycle when we lost a priority City Council race by two (2) votes!  Your vote is critical to the outcome of these elections.

Our endorsed candidates are committed to representing all working families and they value and understand that ‘as workers do better – communities prosper.’ Our top priorities at the state level are:

  • Prop 51 (School Bonds. Funding for K-12 School, Community College Facilities) – VOTE YES (This measure will improve education and create good, union jobs!)
  • Prop 53 (Revenue Bonds. Statewide Voter Approval) – VOTE NO!  (This measure attacks local control and would put all large scale construction and our jobs at risk!)                                       
  • Prop 55 (Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare) – VOTE YES! (This measure prevents $4 billion in cuts to public education and school construction!)

Feel free to use our voting guide when voting by mail or you can bring it to your polling place.  Please share it with family and co-workers.  Here are a couple other matters to be mindful of:

Register to Vote: Remember, you must re-register to vote each time you move or change your name. You can register online at: The voter registration deadline is October 24th!

Find Your Polling Place: If you plan to vote in-person on Election Day but aren’t sure where to go, you can look up your polling place and view your personal ballot at:

View IBEW’s Endorsements: Now you can find our endorsements by searching for your local union, county, or zip code. Visit to find out who the IBEW is backing and why.

If you are interested in supporting our endorsed candidates by volunteering, please contact our IBEW 569 Political Director, Gretchen Newsom, at (858) 569-8900 or

In Solidarity,

Nick Segura

Business Manager

P.S. If you are voting by mail, be sure to SIGN your return envelope before mailing it in! Also, the County Registrar of Voters must receive your mail ballot BEFORE November 7th; otherwise you can drop it off on Election Day at any polling place.