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IBEW 569 Endorsements for March 3rd Election

Dear IBEW 569 Sisters and Brothers,

Here are our March 3, 2020 Election Endorsements and Voting Guides:

IBEW 569 Endorsements for SAN DIEGO County

IBEW 569 Endorsements for IMPERIAL County

Now is the time to make a Plan to Vote and help secure more work for IBEW 569 members!

We arrived at these endorsements through a rigorous democratic process whereby IBEW 569 joined unions of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council and Building Trades Councils to interview candidates and research initiatives. 

The upcoming election on March 3, 2020 is shaping up to be an extremely tight race, and there’s no doubt that every single vote will matter. This election will determine the fate of our jobs, our benefits, our retirement and even our union. We have the following priority races:

  • YES on Proposition 13 ($15B for school construction, repair, and modernization, prioritizing projects with a Project Labor Agreement / PLA!)
  • YES on Measure E (repeal of the PLA Ban / Prop G in the City of Chula Vista); and
  • SAN DIEGO COUNTY: Cori Schumacher for Carlsbad City Council; Olga Diaz and Ben Hueso for San Diego County Supervisors; Todd Gloria for San Diego Mayor; Raul Campillo, Marni Von Wilpert, and Kelvin Barrios for San Diego City Council; Tasha Boerner Horvath and Chris Ward for State Assembly; and Georgette Gomez to Congress.
  • IMPERIAL COUNTY: Luis Plancarte for Imperial County Board of Supervisors District 2; Bruce Kuhn for Imperial Irrigation District, Division 2; and Erik Ortega for Imperial Irrigation District, Division 4

We need to win these priority campaigns and initiatives in order to secure more work for IBEW 569 members. We can only do that if you register to vote and then go cast your ballot! With this election, now is the time to:

Register to Vote. If you recently moved or changed your name or political party, you must re-register to vote. The registration deadline was February 17th! You can register quickly online at: You can register on Election Day at your polling place and be issued a conditional ballot.

Find Your Polling Place. If you plan to vote in-person on Election Day but aren’t sure where to go, you can look up your polling place and view your personal ballot at: .

View IBEW’s Endorsements. Visit to find out who IBEW is backing. Of course, the decision you choose to make when you vote is yours alone.

If you have questions about elections or your voter registration status, please contact our IBEW 569 Political Director, Gretchen Newsom at 858-569-8900 or Thank you for continuing to strengthen our Union!

In Solidarity,

Jeremy Abrams

Business Manager, IBEW 569 | Card # A129528

P.S. If you are voting by mail, be sure to SIGN your return envelope before mailing it in! Also, the County Registrar of Voters must receive your mail ballot BEFORE March 3rd; otherwise you can drop it off on Election Day at any polling place.