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ACTION ALERT: Email City Council – VOTE YES to Safeguard San Diego

IBEW 569 Brothers and Sisters:

We have an ACTION ALERT to help create more jobs for our members!

On Wednesday, the Rules Committee of San Diego City Council will have a second reading to decide whether to place a measure before voters to restore the city’s ability to use project labor agreements and preserve millions in state funds for local infrastructure projects.

Outdated city contracting rules put San Diego at risk to lose millions in state infrastructure funds. The Safeguard San Diego measure is a simple fix that protects our fair share of state funding while increasing taxpayer accountability and prioritizing job opportunities for local workers.

We need the Rules Committee to VOTE YES to rebuild our infrastructure, restore our economy and safeguard San Diego.

Here are the actions you can take to help Safeguard San Diego:

1) Click here to email the Councilmembers asking them to vote yes to Safeguard San Diego and vote yes on Item 6. We have prepared a template email for you to send to the Committee but encourage you to customize it to your voice and background – i.e. note if you’re an apprentice, live in or volunteer in San Diego, have worked on San Diego skyline projects, etc. Click here to take action!

2) Submit comments of support for Item 6 to the Rules Committee and public record: (See our email action for template talking points.)

3) If you are available on Wednesday at 2pm, we need you to call into the Rules Committee with public comment.  Please coordinate with our Political Director Gretchen Newsom and she will text you exactly when to call-in and can help you with talking points – she is reachable at or texting 619-208-4853.

Thank you for keeping our union strong!

In Solidarity,
Jeremy Abrams
Business Manager, IBEW 569 Card # A129528 | 858-569-8900 |