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IBEW Endorses YES on Prop 30 = More IBEW Jobs

IBEW Endorses Prop 30 – the Clean Cars, Clean Air Initiative = More IBEW Jobs!

IBEW Local Unions from around California came together to place an important measure on the November 8, 2022 ballot. It’s called Proposition 30 and it creates tens of thousands of new job opportunities for IBEW electricians by generating billions of dollars for electric vehicle charging stations and other critical electrical infrastructure.

Proposition 30 will:

  • Create tens of thousands of green union jobs by funding the installation of critical infrastructure for zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs) across California
  • Provide funding for apprenticeship programs leading to careers in the trades;
  • Support firefighters and ensure they are supplied with the resources needed to prevent and fight extreme wildfires;
  • Assist working families by making ZEVs — including medium- and heavy-duty vehicles — more affordable and expanding the ZEV charging network to the places Californians work and live;
  • Provide nearly $45 billion in subsidies to help low- and middle income families purchase ZEVs;
  • Provide funding to electrify public transit systems; and
  • Help California meet our climate goals and drive additional demand for upgrades to the grid!

For years, we have argued that union insight and voices are indispensable for bold climate action and the transition to a green economy. Prop 30 is exactly the sort of forward-thinking alliance for which we have advocated: IBEW didn’t just have a seat at the table — we built the table. The Clean Air Initiative is our proposition. It reflects our perspective, our values, and our collective will to act now on climate change.

Please vote YES on Prop 30 and return your ballot before Tuesday, November 8th.

For more details on Prop 30, visit: