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IBEW 569 Union Meeting – Nomination and Election

May 4, 2022 @ 5:30 pm PDT

Attention IBEW 569 Members:

Come to our IBEW 569 Union Meeting to stay informed and get involved! We’ll swear-in new members and welcome them to the Union; receive reports on Union actions and activities; conduct Union business; discuss concerns.

IBEW 569 hosts our Union Meetings simultaneously – in person in San Diego and in Imperial Valley over closed circuit television (CCTV) – and invites our Imperial Valley members to get empowered by participating in our union meetings!

This monthly meeting creates an opportunity for both new and experienced membership to come together and get engaged with our local union.

WHAT: IBEW 569 Union Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, May 4th, 5:30pm

WHERE: IBEW 569 Union Halls (4545 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123 AND 2420 Imperial Business Park Drive, Imperial, CA 92251)




Nominations for officers of Local Union 569, I.B.E.W. will be held at both locations, 4545 Viewridge Avenue, Suite #100, San Diego, California and 2420 Imperial Business Park Dr., Imperial, California, during the General Membership Meeting in May, which has been moved to Wednesday, May 4th, 2022, at 5:30 pm, due to the IBEW International Convention, instead if May 11th, 2022.


The election of officers will be conducted by mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed on May 13th, 2022. Your ballot must be returned to the P. O. Box by Thursday, June 2nd, 2022. The ballots will be picked up by the Election Judge and/or Election Company in the presence of the Judge, at the Post Office, at 8:30 a.m. Friday, June 3rd, 2022, and counted immediately thereafter at the Union Hall, 4545 Viewridge Avenue, Suite 100, San Diego, California.

The officers to be elected on June 3rd are:



Recording Secretary/Executive Board


Business Manager/Financial Secretary

5 members to the Executive Board

5 members to the Examining Board

In the event a candidate for the offices of President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary/Executive Board, Treasurer or Business Manager/Financial Secretary does not receive a majority of the votes cast in the election for the respective offices, a run-off election will be held between the two candidates receiving the highest and second highest number of votes.  This election will be by mail ballot.

The candidates for the office of Executive Board who receive the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th largest number of votes cast for this office shall be declared the winners.

The candidates for the office of Examining Board who receive the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th largest number of votes cast for this office shall be declared the winners.

Authority for this election is derived from the IBEW Constitution, Article 16*, and the Local Union Bylaws, Article III**.

The run-off ballot should be placed into the mail in sufficient time to reach the official post office box before 8:30 a.m. on Friday, June24th, 2022.

Your participation in Local 569’s election process is vital to your Union.


Any member who believes a protest of the election is warranted is urged to contact the election judge within a few days after the ballots are counted. Further, protests of the election may be filed in writing with the International Vice President (IVP) of the District within 30 days following the election (the election judge will provide the mailing address of the IVP upon request). The decision of the IVP shall conclude the processing of a protest within the IBEW. In the event the protesting member is not satisfied with the decision of the IVP, the member may submit his/her protest to the U.S. Department of Labor.


opeiu #30, afl-cio, clc


(as Amended at the 39th International Convention – 09/2016)


Sec. 1. Each L.U. shall have a president, vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, and Execu­tive Board of not more than seven (7) nor less than three (3) members, provided that were deemed necessary for better representation in the L.U., the Executive Board may, with the consent of the I.P., have more than seven (7) members and, if the L.U. so decides, an Examining Board of not more than five (5) nor less than three (3) members. The members of the Examining Board are elected; however, they are not consid­ered local union operating officers.

Sec. 2. L.U.’s requiring a local business representative or representatives, shall elect one (1) person to be known as a business manager. He shall appoint any and all other repre­sentatives or assistants. These shall work directly under him and be subject to his authority. He may discharge them at any time. When a representative or assistant is discharged by the business manager, he shall not be reemployed or paid by the L.U. in any capacity during the term of office of such busi­ness manager without his consent. However, this does not disqualify any discharged assistant or representative from running for office at the next election. The business manager shall be the principal officer of the L.U. and all other L.U. officers shall cooperate with the business manager and shall not work in conflict with him.

Sec. 3. Each L.U. shall also have a press secretary, reg­istrar and as many inspectors and door foremen as the L.U. president deems necessary. These shall not be considered of­ficers and shall be appointed by the president. They shall per­form such duties as he directs. He may remove any of them and appoint others at any time.

Sec. 4. No other local offices shall be created without con­sent of the I.P.

Sec. 5. No L.U. shall combine the office of financial secretary and treasurer unless by special dispensation from the I.P.

Sec. 6. In each L.U. whose members participate in the Pension Benefit Fund, no member shall be eligible to serve as F.S. unless he is also a participant in the Pension Benefit Fund, unless this requirement is waived by the I.P.

Sec. 7. No L.U. shall allow dues to officers or appointees for services rendered, but the L.U. may fix such salaries for them as it decides.

Sec. 8. The officers shall serve three- or four-year terms as the L.U. bylaws may provide, or until their successors are qualified.

Sec. 9. Nominations for officers shall be held in the month of May of election years as provided in the L.U. bylaws. However, the I.P. may grant special dispensation to hold the nominations in a different month when he is satisfied good cause is shown. Where such change is to continue, the month shall be stated in the L.U.’s bylaws. Any member nominated can withdraw his name any time prior to the election, either by announcement at the meeting of the L.U. or by notifying the L.U. president in writing.

Sec. 10. No member shall be nominated for office unless he is present or signifies his willingness in writing, nor shall he be eligible for any office unless he has been a member in continuous good standing at least two (2) years in the L.U. immediately prior to nomination, providing the L.U. has been in existence for this length of time. When it is imprac­ticable or impossible for a L.U. to elect officers with the re­quired standing, the I.P. may grant special dispensation. A member must be in good standing between the time of nomination and installation and, if elected, must remain in good standing while serving in office, unless the I.P. grants special dispensation when circumstances warrant, such as a clerical error or emergencies beyond the control of the member, preventing the timely payment of dues.

The two-year membership requirement shall not be appli­cable to members of L.U.’s affiliated with System Councils, who are employed by a single employer and who transfer between L.U.’s within a System Council, provided, however, that any such member must have been a member in continu­ous good standing for two (2) years in at least one of the L.U.’s affiliated with the System Council involved.

Sec. 11. The L.U. shall decide the manner in which the nominations and election shall be held, and such shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws. This shall not conflict with the I.B.E.W. Constitution. There shall be one judge and as many tellers as are required, and the method of selection shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws. The election judge and tellers must have been members in continuous good standing in the L.U. at least (2) years immediately prior to nominations, provided the L.U. has been in existence for this length of time. Election observers must be members eligible to vote in the election.

Sec. 12. Elections of officers shall be held in the month of June of election years as provided in the L.U. bylaws. How­ever, the I.P. may grant special dispensation to hold the elec­tions in a different month and to extend the time for conduct­ing the elections when he is satisfied good cause is shown. Where such change is to continue, the month shall be stated in the L.U.’s bylaws. Each L.U. shall set a definite date and time for the elections.

All elections shall be decided for the candidate receiving the most votes, unless the local union bylaws provide otherwise.

However, election to the L.U. Executive Board or Examin­ing Board shall be decided for the candidates receiving the most votes. Where a majority of the votes cast is required and no candidate receives such majority, a run-off election will be held between the two candidates receiving the highest num­ber of votes. The time for holding a run-off election shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws, where a majority vote is required.

Sec. 13. The installation of officers shall occur at the first meeting held in July following the elections. However, the I.P. may grant special dispensation for a different time for the installation of officers when he is satisfied good cause is shown. When such dispensation is granted, the time shall be stated in the L.U.’s bylaws.

Sec. 14. Any officer failing to discharge the duties of his office for two (2) consecutive meetings, unless satisfactory excuse is given in writing, shall have his office or position de­clared vacant by the L.U. president, and the Executive Board shall then fill such vacancy until the next regular election.

Sec. 15. When it is decided by proper authority, and in ac­cordance with these laws, that any L.U. officer shall be sus­pended or removed from office, then the L.U. president shall at once declare such office vacant. If this applies to the presi­dent, then the vice president shall declare his office vacant.

Sec. 16. Vacancies occurring in any L.U. office, and the Examining Board, shall be filled by the L.U. Executive Board until the next regular election, except when filled by the I.P. The eligibility requirements for election to the office shall apply.

Vacancies in the position of press secretary, reg­istrar, door foreman, or inspector shall be filled by the L.U. president.

Sec. 17. During the temporary absence of any officer, the president shall appoint a member to serve pro tem. In the ab­sence of the president, the vice president shall automatically perform his duties. In the absence of both the president and the vice president, the recording secretary shall call the L.U. meeting to order and the L.U. shall name a temporary chair­man. (This does not apply to the business manager.)

Sec. 18. All officers, at the expiration of their terms of of­fice, shall deliver to their successors all books, papers, mon­ey and other property in their possession belonging to the I.B.E.W. or the L.U. and shall not be relieved from their bond or obligation until this has been done.

Sec. 19. All officers, appointees or employees shall turn over all books, papers and property of the L.U. in their pos­session to the I.P. or his representative upon his demand.

Sec. 20. No officer of a L.U., Railroad Council or System Council shall improperly use, or allow anyone to improperly use, the mailing list of members to communicate with them regarding union politics or candidates for union office. Any officer having such a list shall be held personally liable for its misuse.

**Local Union Bylaws


Officers ‑ Elections ‑ Duties

Sec. 1.      The officers shall perform such duties as are stated in Article XVII of the IBEW Constitution. In addition, they shall perform such duties as are outlined in these bylaws and such duties as may be assigned to them by the Local Union and which are not in conflict with the IBEW Constitution and these bylaws.

Sec. 2.      Failure of officers to perform their duties, the suspension or removal of any officer and the filling of any vacancies, shall be dealt with as stated in Article XVI of the IBEW Constitution.

Sec. 3.      All officers and representatives and all employees shall be bonded to the extent required by the International or any applicable Federal or State law, whichever is greater. The bond shall be secured through the International and the premium shall be paid by the Local Union.

Sec. 4.      (a) The officers shall be those provided for in Article XVI of the IBEW Constitution.

(b) The offices of Business Manager and Financial Secretary shall be combined.

Sec. 5.      The Executive Board shall consist of the Local Union President Recording Secretary, and 5 elected members.

Sec. 6.      The Examining Board shall consist of 5 elected members.

Sec. 7.      (a) Nominations for officers shall be held in May 2022 and election of officers shall be held in June 2022 and every 3 years thereafter, as stated in Article XVI of the IBEW Constitution. Notice shall be mailed to all members at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting for nominations in election years.

(b) No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) office, except as provided in these bylaws and with approval of the International President. If nominated for more than one office, the member shall immediately declare for which office he/she will be a candidate. However, this shall not apply to offices which have been combined with the approval of the International President.

(c) Every candidate shall have the right once within thirty (30) days prior to the mailing of the ballots to inspect a list containing the names and last‑known addresses of all the members of the Local Union. Such list of members shall be maintained and kept by the Local Union. The membership list shall not be copied for the use of any candidate.

(d) The Local Union shall comply with all reasonable requests of any bona fide candidate for Local Union Office to distribute his/her campaign literature to the membership at the candidate’s expense. In handling all such requests, the Local Union shall comply with the IBEW Local Election Guide and with applicable Department of Labor Regulations under the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959.

(e) No member shall be eligible for office unless he/she has been a member of Local Union 569 in continuous good standing for at least two (2) years immediately prior to nomination.

(f) No apprentice shall be eligible to hold office in the Local Union, except that a member who was previously eligible to hold office in the Local Union shall remain eligible if he/she entered an apprenticeship program for the purpose of upgrading his/her classification.

Sec 8.       (a) The election of officers shall be conducted by mail ballot. The Executive Board shall decide the date for the mailing of the ballots, the last day on which ballots will be received, the date, time, and place when the ballots will be counted and similar information in the event a run-off election is necessary. This information shall be included in the notice of the nominations meeting and in the ballot package sent to the members.

(b) The Executive Board may appoint an individual to perform certain tasks, including but not limited to procuring restricted post office boxes, mail permits, or an outside impartial balloting company, prior to the nominations meeting. All disbursements related to these tasks shall be processed in accordance with the IBEW Constitution and these bylaws. Once the Election Judge is appointed, such individual shall inform the Election Judge of all advanced tasks performed and shall immediately turn over to the Election Judge all records, receipts, post office boxes, etc. for further processing.

(c) At the meeting of the Local Union, in the month proceeding the month in which nominations are made, the President shall appoint an Election Judge and as many Tellers, as are required, who shall serve as an Election Board to conduct the election. No candidate for any office shall be eligible to serve on this Board.

(d) After nominations have been made and those nominated are found by the Election Judge to be qualified, the Election Judge shall have ballots prepared listing in alphabetical order the names of all candidates for each respective office, beginning with President and continuing in the order named in the IBEW Constitution. The ballots shall not contain any number or other marks identifying the voter. If the Local Union retains an impartial outside balloting company to assist and/or conduct the mail ballot election, the Election Judge may, with the approval of the Local Union, authorize the outside balloting company to perform the tasks of printing, mailing, receiving, tabulating and/or counting the ballots.

(e) Any candidate for office, or an IBEW member designated by the candidate as an observer, may be present at the preparation and mailing of ballot packages, the ballot pickup and the counting of the ballots.

(f) The Financial Secretary shall furnish to the Election Judge, not less than ten (10) days before the date for the mailing of the ballots, an alphabetical list of the names and addresses of all members eligible to vote. All members in good standing and qualified shall be entitled to vote.

(g) If not already arranged, the Election Judge shall select a depository to which the envelopes containing the ballots shall be mailed. This shall not be the Local Union Post Office Box or the Local Union headquarters. (Cost of such depository shall be paid by the Local Union.) The Election Judge shall see that the address of such depository is placed on the preaddressed envelopes.

(h) The Election Judge shall mail or cause to be mailed to all eligible voters, an official ballot and two (2) envelopes. One (1) envelope shall be smaller than the other and shall have the words OFFICIAL BALLOT stamped or printed on it. The larger envelope shall be preaddressed to the Election Board and shall contain a space in the upper left hand corner where the member shall place his/her name and address.

(i) Upon receiving his/her ballot, the member shall mark same and enclose it in the smaller envelope marked OFFICIAL BALLOT. This envelope shall be placed in the larger preaddressed envelope and mailed to the Election Board.

(j) Write-in votes shall not be permitted.

(k) No envelope received later than the time and date set by the Executive Board in the notice of the election shall be opened or counted by the Election Board. The Election Judge may extend the time for the receipt of ballots in the event of an extraordinary event beyond the control of the Local Union.

(l) Prior to the counting of the ballots, the Election Board shall verify voter eligibility by comparing the return ballot envelopes to the voter eligibility list. A ballot challenged by either the Election Board, a candidate, or a candidate’s observer shall be set aside. Before removing the official ballot envelopes from the return ballot envelopes, the Election Judge shall attempt to resolve the challenged ballots, recording all decisions in writing. Unresolved challenged ballots shall be set aside and not counted unless such ballots are deemed determinative of the outcome of the election.

(m) The Election Board shall count the ballots or have an outside impartial balloting company count the ballots in the presence of the Election Board. The Election Board shall remove or cause the removal of the smaller envelope marked OFFICIAL BALLOT from the larger envelope. The OFFICIAL BALLOT envelopes shall then be mixed together to preserve ballot secrecy. The ballots shall then be removed from the OFFICAL BALLOT envelopes and tabulated. If the challenged ballots are not determinative, the Election Judge shall certify the results in writing to the Executive Board immediately after the ballots have been counted. If the challenged ballots are determinative, the Election Judge shall, as soon as possible but no later than five (5) days from the counting of the ballots, investigate and rule upon the challenges. All challenged ballots determined to be eligible shall then be counted, and the Election Judge shall certify the results in writing to the Executive Board.

(n) All election records including envelopes and ballots shall be preserved for one (1) year from the date of the election, after which they shall be destroyed unless a question has arisen in connection with the election.

(o) The Election Judge shall have the authority to establish additional procedures and safeguards not inconsistent with the above rules and in conformance with the conduct of a fair election and applicable law. The Election Judge shall also have full authority to make rulings and decisions concerning disputes, controversies or unexpected occurrences that might arise in order to assure a fair and orderly election process. These rulings or decisions shall not conflict with any provisions in the IBEW Constitution or these bylaws.

(p) In the event a candidate does not receive a majority of the votes cast for a specific office, then a run-off election will be held between the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes. This does not include the election for the Local Union Executive Board (and/or Examining Board), which shall be decided for the candidates receiving the most votes.

(q) When a run-off election is necessary, such run-off election shall be held twenty-one (21) days after the regular election is held.


May 4, 2022
5:30 pm PDT
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IBEW 569
(858) 569-8900
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